Navigating our way past disappointment - the path through processing
Podcast 14 - Karpman's Drama Triangle - navigating family and relational dramas (+ Hypno-CBT)
Personal boundaries - theoretical limits and rules we set ourselves
PODCAST – (11) – ‘holding patterns’, stimming, tics, and the train analogy of regulation...
Attachment theory in pop culture - the film High Fidelity, starring John Cusack
The Friends TV characters’ attachment styles - decoded!
Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy and Dialectical Behaviour Therapy within therapeutic work
Bridget Jones’s social nervous system and attachment styles
Podcast (10) What's anxiety - and simple tips to aid recovery and regulation
PODCAST (7) Anxiety through the holistic lens – it’s not just in your head! A nervous system view
Inner child meditation (10 mins) - self hypnosis and healing