Holistic hypno-psychotherapy
Arrive Therapy®
NB - my client-roster and waitlist are currently full - but please make contact, to see when or how I can assist.
I'm Kathy (pronouns: she/her). I help people of all genders make improvements surrounding emotional and self-regulation needs and mental wellness, using talking therapy that's solution focussed.
Within my hypno-psychotherapy practice, I help individuals that identify as being highly sensitive (HSP), those with anxiety and minority stress, as well as autistic, AuDHD and otherwise neurodivergent individuals, make positive life changes using techniques including Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy and self-regulation.
I am a neurodiversity-affirming therapist, and am passionate about equality, diversity and inclusion for under-represented groups. I am also gender diversity affirming and trauma-informed; and I support the polyvagal theory of the autonomic nervous system.
(Read more on polyvagal theory HERE.)
Other 'hats' I wear include being a school counsellor at a junior school, working with many neurodivergent children; and also being a counsellor at an adult, residential rehabilitation centre for addiction.
I practice hypnosis for anxiety, and am an Anxiety-UK approved therapist; however do not currently have availability for new client referrals from this organisation.
Read all of our blogs about Hypno-CBT® and neurodivergence here.
Interested to know the basics? Read 'What is CBT, cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy and Hypno-CBT®?.'
Online therapy or 'iTherapy' has similar outcomes to face-to-face therapy. Read about the benefits of online hypnotherapy here.
Hypnotherapy in Kent
Tele-health therapy sessions are via web-cam; I am currently not offering in-person sessions at Maidstone Community Support Centre (hypnotherapy in Maidstone, Kent).
I also provide focussed attention, self-hypnosis and mindfulness exercises, and informative blogs and podcasts on using Hypno-CBT® to make positive life changes.
I am #actuallyautistic and my CBH model is especially suited to highly sensitive (HSP) and neurodivergent individuals - read my blog on CBT modalities and autism here.

Hypno-CBT® with Arrive Therapy ®

About our cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy service
I am a Hypno-psychotherapist, and my modality of hypnotherapy is Hypno-CBT® - this combines Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) with hypnosis, to give you the tools to manage and overcome daily challenges, e.g. feelings of anxiety.
I use cognitive behavioural principles and self-regulation tools, among others, to help individuals of all genders bring about positive change to many areas of their lives. There are lots of hypnotherapy techniques available! Sessions are via tele-health (webcam).
Hypnotherapy based in Kent
Give Arrive Therapy® a call, or drop me an email to enquire. (Additionally, I offer focussed attention / meditation downloads & self-care articles to help anxiety-prone, highly sensitive and neurodivergent individuals gain understanding, and develop mindfulness and empowerment).
Areas of special interest in terms of Hypno-CBT® and talk therapy include: anxiety, self-regulation, issues affecting neurodivergent people (specifically, individuals that are autistic, or have ADHD, or who are AuDHD); toxic relationships and recovery from narcissistic trauma, and also substance / alcohol addiction.
I am neurodivergent myself, and have written articles and book-content on neurodivergence.
Call 01732 330070 - email: arrivetherapy@protonmail.com
Please sign up to receive our occasional newsletters (via our Contact page).
A recent hypnotherapy newsletter can be found HERE.
Hypno-CBT® consultations - webcam / tele-health.
(Currently NOT in-person)
Hypno-psychotherapy telehealth sessions are tailored to each client. I use tools including Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy and self-regulation techniques to help clients bring about positive changes to their lives. Cost is £65.
Maidstone (Kent, UK) face-to-face sessions cost £75, but are not currently available.
Other projects
As a polyvagal-affirming therapist, I utilise knowledge of the autonomic nervous system to help clients' regulation.
(Polyvagal theory is not specifally advocated by the UK College of Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy, where I trained. My polyvagal interest is via supplemental professional training, and continued professional development.)
Read more on polyvagal theory HERE.
What clients say...
"Our instant rapport helped with my success on being far less anxious of motorway driving; it also opened up the depth of my issues, e.g. a better understanding of where my phobias / anxieties may have started".
"Working with Kathy on post autism diagnosis issues, it has been invaluable to have an ND therapist. The hypnosis element complements the CBT well. Positive, affirming, supportive - highly recommend."
"I have found Kathy to be very caring, helpful, supportive and non-judgemental. I have found the tapes she forwarded to be very relaxing, and this has helped me control my breathing and alleviate some anxiety."